Hey there,
Wherever you are in your life right now, you’ve landed here for a reason. Maybe a friend sent you (we get that a lot). Or you found your way here through social media or the web. Whatever, your path, I’m thrilled that you landed here! And, I know you will be too. So, stick around and check out our many resources designed to help grow you and your marriage.
I developed the INLOVE Method to help people in struggling marriages grow thriving marriages. The INLOVE Method utilizes 6 guiding principles: Invest, Nurture, Learn, Offer, Value and Embrace to help people create wildly successful marriages. As a compliment I also teach couples how to Castle Up Their Marriage by fortifying and protecting it.
For couples on the brink of divorce and deciding on the next best steps to clarity and confidence it can be an especially difficult time. These are couples “On Decision” and need expert guidance to determine if they should Yea, Nay, or Delay. I guide couples in the decision making process via a mix of detailed questions combined with customized approach.

Kimberly Walton is a marriage strategist and specializes in helping struggling couples, especially those on the brink of divorce to get clear and confident on their next best steps.
Plain and simple, I think love should always win.
As a lifelong student of happiness, I have always believed in love and marriage.
But, like many people, I have been in the relationship trenches. And for many reasons, the cards just seemed as though they were stacked against me. Can you relate?
Formally and informally, I have studied and taught about cultural and historical traditions, rituals and cultures for years. Thankfully, this offered me diverse resources as I continued on my path to understand love, relationships, and marriage.
Then, (as they have a not so funny way of doing) a personal health scare put everything in perspective.
Finally, I saw things clearly.
Finally I was focused.
And you know what? I finally allowed my heart to open. I got to a place where I understood that love and vulnerability are not to be feared, but embraced. Men are not the enemy. They are gifts. (Yes, you read that right! Our men are gifts.)
Today, I am gloriously, happily married to an extraordinary man. My extraordinary man is not perfect (though I think he’s pretty doggone close), but he is perfect for me.
I was feeling defeated and I was literally on the verge of a divorce. I had been praying and praying and then a friend suggested that I give Kimberly and her InLove Approach a try. I was not optimistic because things were so bad in my marriage. I had little hope, but I hung onto one of the first things that Kimberly told me. She said that one person can turn a relationship around. She gave me hope. I clung to that hope like a life preserver in a rough sea.
My marriage didn’t get better in a day. No, in fact, it took a couple of months before I felt like the tide had changed on my marriage. But, I remember the day that I felt like my marriage was no longer doomed. I was very upset and was about to yell at my husband and I heard Kimberly’s voice in my head gently ask me what is really going on here and what is the REAL issue. Kimberly insists we get to the real issue not the anger or hurt that is on the surface. So that day instead of yelling at my husband, I choose authenticity. That is the day that my marriage was no longer headed for divorce.
I am dedicated to helping people that are contemplating divorce and don’t know whether to leave or stay and fight for their marriage, are currently divorcing and need to work through their feelings and lighten emotional baggage, and those considering re-marriage and want to be set up for a success second marriage.
How can I help you today?