To infuse something means to permeate it with something that alters it, usually for the better. Is your marriage infused with love?
If it is, then you’ll probably identify with the tips below; if not, consider using the following five tips to begin the process of infusing your marriage with love:
1. Practice Acceptance.
In the early stages of marriage, things can seem blissful and perfect. In the beginning, we overlook the little things that may start to grate on us in the later stages of marriage. Your mate has and will reveal more little habits that can annoy and irritate. That is normal. Let your mate be perfectly imperfect, and know that you are perfectly imperfect as well to infuse love into your marriage.
2. Spend Quality Time.
Quality time means different things to different people, but it is an important way to infuse love into your marriage. For some couples, quality time might mean going out to a fancy dinner or having Sunday brunch together. Or, perhaps, it means camping together, cooking dinner together, or a casual date night away from the kids. Make sure to plan your quality time so you’ll have minimal interruptions, and agree on this in advance: you won’t talk about the kids or problems.
3. Be Appreciative.
For many people, appreciation is the number one way to show and infuse love. Feeling it means that you focus on what is right and going well rather than picking at the problems. It breathes new life into any relationship. I know that it isn’t always easy in tough times, but that’s when it’s especially necessary. No matter what’s going on, you can look for the silver lining in a situation and find something to be grateful for. Understand that it’s important to show or express your appreciation and gratitude, too.
4. Do the Little Things.
We get so busy at times that we forget what a big difference the little things make. Leaving simple love notes, bringing home a single rose, making your mate’s favorite meal after a challenging week, a little wink from across the room, keeping a promise, a heart drawn on a fogged-up bathroom mirror, or even a simple compliment can go a long way toward infusing your marriage with love. These little acts of unconditional love are some of the top things couples can do to keep the spark alive.
5. Speak Lovingly.
A marriage infused with love is full of loving words. Sincere compliments and kind expressions abound. Calling your mate by a pet name like “honey” or “babe” can make you instantly feel loved and connected. Tone is equally important to choice of words. The phrase, “I love you,” can be completely negated if the tone is off. And don’t forget the liberal use of these four phrases: Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, and I’m sorry. They can be music to a partner’s ears.
As you can see, it’s not really difficult to infuse your marriage with love. So many of the small, loving things we do for our mate – and ultimately for ourselves as well – have a huge impact on how the marriage feels overall.
When you focus on the positive and all the things you love about your mate, you can both feel relaxed and safe in the relationship. A lot of the tension will dissipate and you can get down to the business of creating a wonderful life together.
Much love,
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