Remember how the old song from Grease went? “Summer lovin’, had me a blast. Summer lovin’, happened so fast.” We’re not living in a musical and I’m certainly not Sandy, but I sure do love summer time and all the romance that can come with it!
As is always, my hope is that you and your mate are finding time for some summer romance. In the past, I’ve published blogs on fall date ideas, winter date ideas, and now I follow with some ideas for summer dating with your spouse! (Yes, I skipped spring dates this year…blame Covid…spring was one long date night at home for most of us haha.)
30 Fun & Easy Summer Date Ideas
1. Have an outdoor movie night. I love these and wrote a whole blog with tips. Find it HERE.
2. Fire it up. Roast hotdogs and s’mores by the campfire and snuggle on a blanket under the stars. You can play some soft music to really amp up the mood.
3. Go skinny dipping. Okay, yes this one is risque and will only work if you have your own pool or hot tub. And hopefully…a privacy fence!
4. Go for a bike ride. It’s true that no matter how long it’s been, you can just get back on the bike and ride. Plus, it’s good exercise. For added fun, rent a tandem bike.
5. Take a motorcycle ride at sunset. Find a back road with a gorgeous view and ride out to see the sunset. Stop the bike somewhere scenic and take in the view together.
6. Water gun fight. Summers get hot so fill up the water guns and see who can soak the other the most and the fastest. For a plus, wet clothes have to come off later 😉
7. Water balloon fight. You can get the whole family in on this one. Fill up a tub of water balloons (some stores sell kits) and divy them up. Make great throws and soak your mate!
8. Go fishing. Pack a picnic lunch and a tackle box and head to a local pond or lake. It’s quiet, relaxing, and cheap!
9. Camp out. Set up a tent in the backyard, blow up the air mattress, and spend the night under the stars together. Make sure you cut off the morning sprinkler 😉
10. Go to the local farmers market. Take a Saturday morning stroll through the farmer’s market – holding hands, of course. And grab some local produce while you’re at it.
11. Plant a garden. Get dirty and build your own raised garden bed. A few wood boards, bags of dirt, and some seeds or baby plants are all you need. It’s fun watching things grow that you planted together (there’s some kind of symbolic meaning in there, I’m sure).
12. Bake together. Pick a new recipe on Pinterest and cook it together. Maybe choose a recipe you can use fresh ingredients from the garden in.
13. Go to the drive-in. Drive-in movie theaters are making a comeback thanks to COVID. Find one local to you and go enjoy a cinematic adventure.
14. Watch a ball game. If a minor league or even little league game is happening in your community, go watch it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the people playing. Just enjoy the sport.
15. Have a Youtube date night. Folks can get lost in Youtube videos for hours. Search a topic and spend the night watching related videos. It can be educational or comical.
Read: A Month’s Worth of Inexpensive Dates
16. Tube the river. Grab a couple of floats, head to your nearest river, find a place to park, and float down. It’s helpful to get off in an area where a friend can drive you back up the river to your car.
17. Play putt putt golf. Enjoy a favorite pastime by playing putt putt at a local course. If they’re closed, set one up in your own backyard.
18. Set up a car wash. Pull out the water hose and soap and wash the cars together. Have fun spraying one another. Plus, your car gets cleaned! Win win!
19. Daycation at a hotel pool. If you cannot afford a vacation away, rent a room at a local hotel that has a pool and spend the day relaxing there. Plus, you don’t have to make the bed or change the sheets.
20. Chalk it up. Grab some chalk from the local dollar store and create your best masterpiece in the driveway. There’s a reason kids love doing this. And if you’ll schedule to do this before a summer storm, the rain will clean the driveway for you!
21. Have a beach day. If you live within driving distance to a beach or lake, drive there for the day. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
22. Tackle a home project. Summer time is a great time for home maintenance projects or updates. Paint the shutters, build a flower bed, pressure wash the deck. Whatever it is, do it together and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.
23. Visit a local farm or orchard. Find a local farm where you can pick your own strawberries, blueberries, or peaches. Some dairy farms even sell their own homemade ice cream after tours.
24. Play hookie from work. Send the kids to daycare or a sitter and take a mental health day together from work. Places are much less crowded during the week. Enjoy a week day lunch together or just stay home and enjoy the quiet.
25. Make ice cream sundaes. Go all out on the toppings – chocolate syrup, caramel, cherries, whipped cream, nuts, and more!
26. Take an outdoor workout class. Find a local instructor who offers outdoor classes and exercise together. Many cities have yoga in the park or something similar.
27. Visit a botanical garden. Flowers are always a win and also romantic. Find flowers you’d like to plant in your own garden and learn the best way to care for them.
28. Visit the zoo. There’s something exciting about seeing animals up close and personal. I have always loved the penguins and the giraffes.
29. Yard sale together. Get up early on a Saturday morning and check out yard sales in your community. Another person’s trash is another man’s treasure, right? See who can find the coolest item.
30. Hang a hammock. Find a shady spot in your yard or on a hiking trail and hang a hammock there. Spend the afternoon or evening swaying in the hammock together.
What is your favorite summer date idea? What would you add to this list?
Wishing You Lots of Summer Love,
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