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10% Effort for a 50% Better Marriage

10% Effort for a 50% Better Marriage

We all want improvements in our lives: better health, more money, successful marriage, happier days. But we all have busy lives, and at times we feel we’ll never catch up. What to do? Shhh… Here is a secret ... You know what? Big improvements come through small...

Fighting Fair: 10 Tips to Resolving Marital Conflicts

Fighting Fair: 10 Tips to Resolving Marital Conflicts

Have you ever had a cоnflісt or disagreement with your partner?Sure, you have. Who hasn't? They’re a pretty nаturаl part of any rеlаtіоnѕhір, right? Ask anyone who’s been married for any length of time, and they’ll agree. Some rough waters and stormy seas are expected...

Is NEVER Go to Bed Angry Good Advice?

Is NEVER Go to Bed Angry Good Advice?

No one likes to wake up feeling cranky. But that just might be the most memorable outcome if you follow that revered, age-old advice: Never go to bed angry. It almost feels blasphemous to say it, but there are times when it’s much better to sleep on an argument than...

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