My greatest achievements and successes in life have come from taking action on things that I felt called by God to do. They might not have made sense at first, or they might have felt scary, but I felt a nudge to go down a path and to have faith.
But not every opportunity that presents itself, no matter how great it seems on the surface, is from God. And, a scary-looking or uncertain opportunity might be from God. Is God holding a door open for you that you’re afraid to walk through?
How can we know for sure that a calling is God’s nudge for us? How can you tell between a desire that God put on your heart, an urge from your ego, or a distraction from the enemy?
I have several questions that help me determine if an opportunity is from God.
1. Does it Contradict His Word?
If you believe you’re being called to do something, ask if it agrees with Scriptures and Biblical principles? If not, then it is not from God. It is likely ego, the enemy, or societal pressure. God’s nudge does not ask you to turn away from your faith or deny morals. God will never direct you to take action on something that is contrary to the Bible. If the Bible clearly indicates that something is a sin or against God, then it is not from Him.
Remember that in 2nd Timothy 3:16, the Bible says, “All scripture is given by God.” God does not tempt us (James 1:13-14). This is why reading the Bible and understanding the Word is so important. If it requires you to disregard or “bend” the Word of God, then your nudge is not from God.
2. What’s the Source?
Matthew 7:15-16 tells us to watch out for false prophets. “They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit, you will recognize them.”
To know if it is from God, we must test the fruit. Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit (Matthew 7:17). If it is from God, it will draw you closer to God and help you increase your self-awareness. False prophets draw you away from God and tempt you to turn away from your faith. False prophets appeal to one’s ego, not to one’s humility.
Is the origin a false prophet (perhaps your ego) or God?
3. Does it Stretch You and Require You to Depend on Him?
God wants a relationship with you, and it’s very likely that His path for you will require you to deepen your dependence on Him. He asks us to grow in faith and grow closer to Him.
Want to know a secret about God? (Actually, it’s not a secret because it’s sprinkled throughout the Bible in Ephesians, Romans, Corinthians (1 and 2), and Galatians.) God does not expect you to be perfect, and He knows you’ll never measure up. Otherwise, He would not have come to Earth to die for you. He will, however, give you many loving opportunities to grow closer to Him and His will for you.
4. Is it Part of God’s Overall Plan?
A message from God will be in alignment with His overall plan for us, so compare your message with God’s overall plan. Does it feel like you’re being redirected to a path, much like a GPS would recalculate your route and get you back on track? Does it relate to a journey that a Bible character has taken, or seem like a parallel journey? Does it remind you of a truth in the Bible? “The Lord will always lead you.” (Isaiah 58:11 NLV)
5. Has it Been Confirmed?
When it is God’s desire, it comes with multiple nudges and confirmations.
In Judges 6, Gideon had to overcome his doubt in order to answer God’s call. We are human, and oftentimes, we doubt. Gideon, however, did not retreat or turn away. He asked God for confirmation, not once, but three times. God understood that Gideon doubted his abilities and needed God’s confirmation.
Sometimes God does not make the fleece damp or dry as confirmation, but instead speaks to us in ways that He knows we will hear. Sometimes what we are called to do seems so implausible that our faith is weak. He is patient and confirms His will for us. That confirmation may come in the form of a billboard, a casual comment from a friend, an unexpected opportunity, or a myriad of other ways.
In my case, God knows that I will “listen,” so He often sends people to confirm His will for me.
How does He send confirmation to you? Perhaps an idea flitters through your mind in Morning Prayer and then you see a related article while sitting at the dentist office the next day; and then, a friend randomly says you would be great at the very thing that flittered through the Morning Prayer.
Remember that by listening to God, Gideon was victorious. “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!” (Judges 7:20, NIV).
6. How Does it Make You Feel? And How Do You Feel When Sharing it With Wise Counsel?
If you feel apprehensive or scared to share with others, that does not mean that this opportunity is not from God. If, however, you feel others will judge or sway you because your desire is not in line with God’s will, that is a different conversation. Ask yourself, “If I go after this opportunity, can I keep my word or vows? Does this opportunity glorify God? How would I feel if this idea were out in the open?”
I personally avoid the authoritarian types when seeking wise counsel. Also, I avoid those that I do not have a supportive relationship with.
7. Do Doors Seem to Be Opening Suddenly or Closing?
Remember that as God draws us closer to Him, He will also open doors when we’re on the path He intends for us. Think of these doors as further confirmation. They may not be as grand as parting the Red Sea, but He will create coincidences for us: the “right” contact; the exact amount of unexpected money needed for a course; someone with an extra ticket to an event that you want to go to; an opportunity for advancement.
Sometimes, however, closed doors provide clarity. At times like these, it can be tempting to give up. But, these are the most important times to be patient. “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalms 27:14)
He wants us to know the path that He wants for us. He does not hide His will.
As Christians, it’s our responsibility to question these things. After all, why waste time going down the wrong path when you know He’s prepared a perfect plan for you?
When in doubt, pray. You can bring all these questions into prayer. Be patient, and listen for the still, small voice. If you don’t get an answer right away, remember that everything happens in God’s time, not necessarily ours. Rest assured that whatever your answers are, you will find the clarity that you seek if you’re faithful.
When did you follow a nudge from the Lord and receive a joyous result? Have you ever been sure it was from God but afraid to act? Which question above is most helpful to you?
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