One of the biggest complaints I hear from married women is how they feel the romance has died. They say they miss the passion and the excitement – oh, and the flirting. My response to this is always, “Well, then bring it back to life!”
Just because you’re married now, doesn’t mean you have to stop flirting. On the contrary, I say kick it up a notch! Let your man know you’re thinking about him, wanting him, and eagerly awaiting him by sending him fun and flirty texts. Here are some fun ones to try. Go ahead – copy and paste 🙂
Flirty Texts
1. What do you say we put the kids to bed early tonight?
2. You make me feel like a woman!
3. I want to kiss you right now!
4. I have a surprise for you later!
5. Meet me upstairs in five!
6. Last night was amazing. Can we go for round two?
7. I want your hands all over me tonight.
8. Let’s date tonight. In our bedroom.
9. I’m wearing a colored bra today, guess which color…
10. You look REALLY good today.
Encouraging & Grateful Texts
1. You are an amazing father/husband/employee/etc.!
2. I am so proud of you!
3. You have become, and continue to become, a man of God!
5. Do you know how amazing you are?
6. I respect you so much!
7. Thank you for setting an awesome example for our children!
8. Thank you for…loving me, supporting my dreams, listening, helping with the kids, etc!
9. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. I’m so lucky to have you!
10. You make me feel so safe!
Other Texts
1. How can I pray for you today, babe?
2. I love our life together!
3. I still fall for you every single day!
4. Hello, handsome.
5. You have all of heart and my body.
6. I know you’re busy, but I wanted to tell you we miss you and love you!
7. I just wanna say I love you…just because.
8. I can’t concentrate in this meeting…thinking about YOU!
9. How can I serve you today?
10. I got a sitter and I’m taking you out tonight!
Pictures, Emojis, & GIFs Say a Thousand Words
If you’re feeling brave enough, pictures can be a fun way to flirt with your husband. It’ll likely take him by surprise and bring his mind immediately back to you.
However, be careful what you send if you’re not sure of his surroundings or if he’s using his phone for work purposes at the time. That can get embarrassing 😉 If you want to send an enticing photo while keeping it PG-13, consider other fun objects. For example, send a picture of chocolate syrup (or whipped cream or some other fun food) and ask him for suggestions on where he’d like to put it – with a wink 😉 at the end.
Again, if you’d rather pay it safe, you could always use emojis or GIFs to make a flirty point. Be creative – sometimes subtly can be more fun than explicit.
Frequency & Location
If your husband can receive texts while he’s at work, liven his work day with a flirty text. But, be realistic about his ability to respond if he’s not allowed on his phone at work or if he’s stuck in meetings all day. You can also send flirty texts while he’s home with you. Hubby sitting on his phone in front of the tv? Shoot him a flirty text to quickly change the course of his evening – the more unexpected, the more excited he will be.
While expressing love, appreciation, and interest in our husbands is something we should do daily, keep the flirty texts fresh and exciting by not repeating the same verbiage each time.
If you and your hubby haven’t flirted for a while, he might not know how to respond at first. Don’t have preconceived expectations of how he should respond or if he even will respond. He may be tied up at work, away from his phone, or be in a location where he can’t appropriately respond. And you might surprise him so much that he doesn’t know what to say back. Be patient, understanding, and free of expectation. It’s about having fun and creating anticipation, excitement, and positive thoughts and attention.
Do you send your husband flirty texts? How does he respond (PG-13 answers only hehe)? What would you add to this list?
Have Fun Flirting,
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