Men and women can show their love in different ways. In trying to define those special telltale signs that reveal a man in love, I came up with the five P’s: Promote, Protect, Provide, Profess, and Pamper.
These are not the only ways a man expresses love, but when you read the list, I’m sure you’ll agree that these five P’s certainly cover the basics. Who knows? You might come up with a few P’s of your own that further describe the condition that makes a man wear his heart on his sleeve.
When a man’s in love, he encourages his mate’s dreams and ideas. He talks up his girl to friends, co-workers, family, and others. He will compliment her style, eyes, intellect, smile, and abilities. He shows pride in his woman and he’s her most enthusiastic advocate.
When a man loves a woman, he wants to protect her. The threat doesn’t have to be real – he’s just as ardent about warding off perceived threats.
He shows this by killing her spiders, opening tight jars, walking on the outside of the sidewalk, holding hands when crossing the street, changing a flat tire, checking the oil in the car, buying pepper spray, opening the car door for her, and reacting aggressively to outside threats.
Whether it’s a boss who might have wronged his special lady, a stranger giving her a hard time, or another man giving his girl the eye, he’ll react in a chivalrous way, slaying all her known – and unknown – dragons.
This protective streak may show itself in a new or renewed interest in health and fitness. A protective man wants to be physically strong enough to handle every battle.
Men in love have a desire to provide for those they love, such as taking care of basics like shelter and food. This often plays out by the man picking up the check or buying her some new clothes.
A man might just be demonstrating his sense of pride and masculinity through his ability to provide. So, if your man wants to spring for the meal, let him. It might be his way of showing that he cares.
Young men or men in career transition may delay in proposing or making a firm commitment while they get the “providing” part of life in line. Don’t be too afraid if a proposal isn’t forthcoming during this time, as they generally want to be steady in the earning department before they go to the next level personally.
A man in love professes his feelings.
Don’t confuse this one with professions of love in private or in the still of the night. Anyone can say things in private. It’s when the profession of love or commitment goes public that the man really means business.
Men can be a little shy about this part, so he may be showing his feelings by using certain identifiers such as, “my girlfriend,” or “my girl.” He might be posting pictures of her on social media or openly speaking of his love for her to friends and family. A private proposal is a profession of love, and so is saying the “L” word.
When he asks a woman to become his wife, that’s normally the ultimate expression of love.
A man in love wants to pamper his girl. This can be literal pampering, where he puts her feet up after a long day, or figurative pampering, when he simply hugs and says soothing words to her after a hard day or stressful encounter.
Pampering can be a big bouquet of flowers on the table when she gets home, or a night out for dinner after a long week. It could be a surprise session with a massage therapist to soothe the muscles she’s been working in preparation for a marathon. He might even encourage her to spend the day with her girlfriends or go get a mani-pedi for fun.
Pampering usually requires a spirit of generosity, which can be inspired by love.
Men are less verbal than women, so when a man speaks up and starts talking about love, that can be a momentous occasion.
According to researchers at the University of Maryland, the female brain has higher levels of a protein linked with verbal communication. The protein, FOXP2, was measured at about 30% higher in girls than boys. In rats, a species in which the male is more vocal, the males had more FOXP2.
So don’t despair if your man has difficulty putting his feelings into words. Watch for the telltale signs of the 5 P’s if you really want to know how he feels.
Much Love,
Let's Be Social
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