What's Submission Got to Do with It?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “submission?” Do you think of a weak and quiet person subject to a dominant master? Do you cringe at the word? Does it invoke thoughts of giving up rights as someone else demands their way over yours?

If so, your not alone. This is how many women view the idea of submission. But, what if I told you this was actually all wrong? What if I told you biblical submission was nothing like this? What if submitting to our husbands in the context of the Biblical command actually meant we were strong and what if it freed us?

These are the counterculture, radical ideas behind Cindy Easley’s What’s Submission Got to Do with It?

Throughout her book, Easley attempts to readjust our thinking on Biblical submission. Afterall, Romans 12:2 does tell us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” She recognizes the culture we live in, as well as the misguided practices which have tainted the idea of submission. With a clear description of God’s precepts, we are introduced to what it looks like to submit to our husbands in a way that pleases God, builds our faith, and grows us as wives.


We hear from multiple women from varying backgrounds as they share their stories and how they work to be a helpmate to their men, respect their men, and to elevate him to his God-given leadership role. From military wives to women who were raised in matriarchal homes, we are given practical examples of how we as wives can yield to the decisions and leadership of our husbands. Maybe you’re thinking that your husband is incapable of leading or maybe his sin causes him to make poor decisions for your family. Guess what? Easley addresses those situations as well!

What's Submission Got to Do with it Book Review by Cherished Wives

Though it may not be our primary instinct as a result of our sin nature (remember Eve in the garden who wanted to know what God knew), we are told (not asked) that submitting to our husbands is the Will of God. We are not asked to understand it, but we are asked to have faith that God has a plan and purpose for it. Easley equates it to the way we must submit to God’s Will even when we don’t understand His rhyme or reason. We just have to trust. And yes, maybe sometimes our husband may make the wrong decision or maybe it’s not the most efficient or maybe it plain doesn’t make sense. But, it’s more important to respect him than to be right. Our respect of him and our release of control to him changes us and our marriages.

Easley ends What’s Submission Got to Do with It? with a note to men from her husband – a “man to man” chapter. It’s an added note to remind men of their responsibility with the role of leadership and a call to men to love their wives as God commands them.

A shorter but compelling read, this is a great start to diving into the topic of Biblical submission and begin the “renewing of our minds” on this controversial topic.

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