No two couples are alike. But happy couples have 7 common daily rituals or habits that set them apart from those who are less happy.
1. Start the Mornings off Right
It’s easy to get into a morning routine of coffee, make-up, hair, and breakfast, completely ignoring that you have a mate there with you!
Instead of getting caught up in your busy-ness, connect with your mate each morning before you veer off in different directions.
Cuddle, banter, share a cup of coffee, hold hands, chat over breakfast, or leave a love note. Wish them a good day, talk on the way to work. If you leave before your partner is up, kiss the sleeping partner goodbye or leave a creative love note.
2. Do Casual Check-ins Throughout the Day
Connect with your mate throughout the day. This can be really fun.
Send a simple text or make a call to ask about your mate’s day. This is especially important if you know your mate has an interview, an important meeting, or is expecting news that day.
Check-ins help you feel connected to your mate while apart. Reports suggest that this can even give your mate an endorphin boost! And who doesn’t like an endorphin boost?
3. Meet and Greet After Work
Happy couples smile and embrace when they greet each other. They ask about each other’s day and they actually mean it. Bob and Cassie have an hour-long drive each day, and make a point of chatting on the phone during the drive.
It’s much more fun than just watching the traffic jam or listening to the bad news on the radio.
Sue and Dan have an agreement that before they go off on a rant about their crummy day, dumb boss, or nasty traffic, they embrace and kiss first.
4. Say, “I Love You,” Frequently
Research suggests that your mate wants to hear those words, in one form or another, at least 10 times a day. And try inserting your partner’s name: “John, I love you.” Don’t be shy.
5. Show Affection
Touch, kiss, or play footsie. Wink, blow a kiss from across the room, or offer to help with chores. Have a fun little “secret life” that your friends don’t even know about. After all, it’s just for the two of you!
6. Bedtime Routine
Brush your teeth together or shower together. Make it a routine to go to bed at the same time. Make love. Touch and say good night and thanks for a good day.
Most importantly, close your eyes after saying goodnight and think of five things you love about your mate. Shoot for variety, not necessarily choosing the same five qualities every night.
7. Do Nice Things for Each Other
Small acts of kindness can go a long way. This includes compliments and all kinds of little extras.
On a whim, make your mate breakfast. Mail a little note to his or her workplace. These are not things that you have to do every day, and they’re not chores! They’re just for fun.
Happy couples are made up of two people that want the best for their partner and they show it.
When you incorporate these simple but effective rituals into your daily life with your mate, your love life will blossom – even after years of marriage.
Much Love,

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