Winterize Your Marriage: Ways to Prepare for Tough Times

I grew up where it snowed in the winter, and I recall that my dad used to winterize the house and car before the start of the cold season. He’d change the air filter and stock up on batteries, wood, and food and get out and check the caulking and roof tiles. He would also winterize the car by checking all the fluids, changing the windshield wipers, and checking the belts, hoses, battery cables, and tire pressure. He’d put a bag of sand in the back of the car in case it was needed for traction and insisted that the gas tank be kept full. He’d also make sure that we knew what to do if we ever got stranded.

Winterizing Your Marriage Couple

Marriages have seasons, just as Mother Earth does. And just like my dad used to winterize the house and car, marriages can be winterized too.


1. Check Your Insulation.

Create a safe place in your home and in the arms of your mate because that’s the best insulation against the pressures and stresses of the world. Be your partner’s #1 advocate and supporter and let them be that for you.

2. Top Off Your Fluids.

Proper fluid levels can help keep the machine that transports you running smoothly. Our bodies are like this. Keeping your body hydrated, well nourished, and well rested can keep you from breaking, cracking, or snapping.

3. Check Your Belts and Hoses.

Just as belts and hoses lose their flexibility and can become rigid and crack, so can relationships when neglected. The best way to stay flexible is to practice gratitude. Keep perspective by noticing all that you have to be grateful for, and count all the blessings you can.


4. Have an Emergency Kit.

Emergency kits include things like flashlights to illuminate the situation, flares to warn of a breakdown, and first aid kits for injuries. What is in your marriage’s emergency kit? Here are some ideas: (1) know the warning signs of stress, (2) have techniques to combat dark times, and (3) don’t forget the all-important healing words: “I am sorry,” “Please forgive me,” and “I love you.”

5. Know What to Do if Stranded.

If you are having marital trouble, who do you call? You need a source that is reliable, neutral, available and that has all the tools and supplies to get you back on the road. This might be a professional counselor, your clergy, a friend, articles, books, and prayers.

Like your house or car, your marriage is precious, only infinitely more so. Know that as life has cycles, you can be well prepared for any occurrence. Follow these five steps for “winterizing” your marriage, and enjoy the love that will hold you through any storm.

Here’s to being prepared for winter,

Hi There!
I’m Kimberly Walton

I am a marriage strategist, author, and a believer in LOVE. I specialize in helping couples in struggling marriages decide on their next best step(s).

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Kimberly is passionate about helping couples create wildly successful marriages. She also a lover of sunflowers, tacos, mint tea, Dove chocolate quotes, travel, watercolor pencils, Yosemite, and encouraging people to practice authentic communication and develop excellent self care.