10 Simple Tips for Staying Positive and Motivated

Honestly, sometimes it is hard to stay motivated and positive. I mean the struggle can be real. It is often the little things, however, that we do that keeps us on track. My favorite ways to keep feeling motivated and upbeat are simple, but yet also very powerful.


#1 – Change Your Latitude 

One of the best things you can do when you find yourself feeling negative or unmotivated is to get a change of scenery. Even if it is just moving from one room to another.

Honestly, there are days when it seems I am doing nothing more than sitting at my computer for hours.

At these times it is important for me to build in a routine break by going to a movie, taking a nap, going to lunch with my husband, gardening, singing or sitting in back yard with a cup of tea.

Afterwards I come back refreshed and ready to take up where I left off.


#2 – Head it Off at the Pass

Many of life’s big irritations started out very small. And many of the tolerations that frustrate us began small. If we handle these things when they are in bite size portions, they are much easier to chew and swallow.

Think of two things in your life right now that are frequent or reoccurring irritations. I challenge you to do what can in the next 24 hours to resolve them or lessen their future impact for good.


#3 – Reward Yourself

Most people would agree that we humans are often kinder to strangers or animals than to ourselves. At least verbally.

We tend to applaud others’ small achievements more than we would our own. Yet, the more we recognize and reward ourselves for hurdles cleared the stronger and more empowered we are.

Learn to reward yourself instead of berate yourself. Rewards can come in many forms. I tend to like affirmations, books, music, tea and flowers. What are good rewards for you?


#4 – Try the Physiological Approach

I am the first to admit that I do not exercise this option enough, even though I do find that when I walk, stretch or even ride a stationary bike I feel mentally stronger. Even an evening walk around the block with the family somehow makes the world seem so much better.

If exercising is not an option try other physiological approaches like smiling, stretching and breathing deep. If you are sitting slouched, frowning or thinking of terrible things this will have a profound affect on your mental state. Sitting heads up, smiling and thinking positive thoughts will help you feel much better.


#5 – Use Humor and Laughter

Don’t forget how great the positive effects of humor can be in warding of negativity.

Author Norman Cousin, says in his book Anatomy of an Illness that humor was an important part of his recovery program from a crippling disease.
According to WebMD, humor is a stress reliever and immune system booster. And CancerCenter.com lists improved sleep, stronger social bonds, lower blood pressure, and improved mental functions as benefits tied to humor and laughter.


#6 – Read Happy, Positive Stories

Like me, you may find that you can’t help but be affected by terrible acts like bombings, shootings, people leaving newborns in trash cans and even the havoc that mother nature can produce.

This can make it easy to believe less than great things about humanity and life.

So, I keep a file full of touching stories of people that have gone out of their way to comfort, rescue or otherwise aid others. For inspiration, I also keep stories of people that have persevered and overcome great odds on hand.


#7 – Reach Out and Touch Someone

Having a friend, family member, mentor, success partner or significant other to talk to is very valuable. My husband and I call it venting.

We take turns JUST listening to the others trials or woes, then ask if there is anything we can do besides listen.

You probably have people that you can rely on in this area. Now, how does that quote go “A trouble shared is cut in half”?



#8 – Change the Atmosphere 

I have to admit I am still amazed at how much something as simple music and candles can effect my outlook and mood.

I also have found adjusting the lighting (up or down, or adding more or less natural lighting), sipping sparkling cider out of a champagne flute and looking at photos can help repel the negativity monster.

#9 – Practice Affirmations

Affirmations (positive statements about us and our lives) are like a maintenance tool.

They help us stay focused on the positive, keep negativity from getting a good foothold, and work on a subconscious level to help us achieve greater success in our lives. I have found that they can work miracles.

For a quick fix, affirmations can also be very beneficial. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to have a negative thought holding the same space as a positive affirmation.


#10 – Take Stock

It can be easy to get frustrated when you feel like you’re progressing about as fast as a slug.

When I get frustrated with the rate of my progress in a given area, I stop and take stock. I remind myself of how much closer to my goals I am and how much distance I have covered.

This gets me focused back on progressing, not how far I have yet to go. It is easier to become frustrated when you are focused on a long journey ahead rather than how far you have come. As my husband says “when climbing a mountain its best to look back often and take stock of how far we have come.”

Which of the 10 tips do you find most beneficial?


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